Saturday, 23 July 2022

Can Testosterone Hormone Effect Sleep Quality?


According to anthropologists, many ancient cultures placed a high value on dreaming and the stages of sleep. Some cultures believed that when a person slept, their soul entered another world. The idea that sleep slows down the body and brain to the point where it is almost dead was perhaps more prevalent in Western history.

Sleep is a physical and mental state in which the nervous system is mostly inactive, muscles are relaxed, and consciousness is suspended. It is also regarded as a condition of relaxation. Sleep is essential for survival, and sleep time influences morning testosterone levels in older men.

Yet, your body detoxifies during sleep by removing free radicals. Detoxification is crucial since free radicals can cause sickness and cancer. Also, according to research, people who are sleep-deprived report increases in negative moods (anger, frustration, irritability, sadness) and decreases in positive moods. More than %60 percent of the daily testosterone release in men occurs during sleep. (source)

As you can see, sleep affects our testosterone levels and other hormones. This article will dive deeply into sleep, testosterone, and brain health.

Bullet Points

  • Low testosterone levels have been associated with sleep deficiency and severe sleep apnea. Total sleep time influences morning testosterone levels in older men. (source)
  • The effects of sleep loss on testosterone levels were clear. Male testosterone levels dropped by 10–15% after five hours of sleep. This shows that sleep is directly correlated to testosterone level.
  • During sleep, hypothalamic neurons release sleep neurotransmitters, including GABA and galanin, while inhibiting dopamine, histamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin neurons (monoaminergic neurons).
  • Human growth hormone secretions are the most important for one man and a female. The more you deep sleep, the more you have growth hormones because growth hormone surge is largely sleep-dependent hormones. Also, High-intensity, GABA, and intermittent fasting increase HGH the most, but in my opinion, forms of exercise are beneficial. Still, I believe Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is the best for increasing self-defense while enjoying exercise benefits.
  • According to human research, blood testosterone levels will fall when cortisol is administered into the circulation while the body is at rest. Evidence that increased cortisol levels by over-exercise may eventually lead to decreased circulating testosterone levels and impair sleep quality.
  • You can optimize your testosterone while lowering sleep, increasing healthy fats, exercise, and good quality sleeps. However, the best way lower stress or handles stress is using Cognitive Behavior Therapy, meditation, Hypnosis, and Wim hof breathing. Also, some adaptogens and supplements such as Rhodiola Rosea With B vitamins, Magnesium with B6, and Vitamin D are good for this regard.

Understand Testosterone and the Brain

Testosterone appears to activate a distributed cortical network called the ventral processing stream when performing stress tasks. Adding more testosterone enhances spatial cognition in younger and older hypogonadal men. Furthermore, low testosterone is linked to depressive disorders.

The hippocampus, amygdala, and hypothalamus are among the brain regions most directly impacted by testosterone, which also has an impact on memory, and mood. The areas of the hippocampus also helps create new brain cells which improve cognitions

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